Photo Story: Tradition by 'Monsune'
A visual depiction of Monsune’s first EP, Tradition, through colors.
Photos by Ethan Tran and Evie Shaw

Depicted are the complementary colors blue and red. Blue represents Monsune and red the woman stuck in Monsune’s head. Essentially, she’s his complement.

In the picture, Monsune is on top of a house with his face not visible portraying that he is homesick but more importantly his separation from this woman he keeps talking about. Monsune is dressed in both red and blue because he holds parts of her that he’s gained over the years even though they’re apart.

Monsune is dressed in all black because he internally regrets leaving this woman behind for his dreams of making it in the music industry. He is sitting on a ladder because he is stuck between staying high up on his “cloud” of fame and coming down to be with her.

The purple hoodie depicts the moodiness and internal sadness of the song. He is down from his ladder/cloud and obsessing over a girl he doesn’t even know

Monsune is small in the frame and his face is barely visible because he’s slowly moving away from her and doesn’t want to fall back into her arms. The black and white shirt represents the contrast between Monsune’s two choices: fall back in love or move on.

The red and blue shirt and the ladder shows a call back to the first song. Monsune looks down the ladder to symbolize that he’ll always be waiting for her.