Interview: Catching Up with Lainey Gonzales

Afterglow spoke with Lainey Gonzales about origins, inspirations, and the release of her upcoming EP.

Written and photographed by Gabriela Ruiz


Lainey Gonzales is a 22-year-old singer-songwriter from Dallas, Texas. She is also a recent graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. Gonzales’ new EP, I Just Blame Me, is out later this summer.

How did you first get involved with music?

I started singing when I was really young, and I did a bunch of church and school choir. I also started playing guitar because my dad taught me when I was 9. I didn’t start writing my own music until high school, and when I got to college I liked what I was writing a lot more.

What artists inspire you the most?

Julien Baker was a huge inspiration for me coming into college because she came into the scene around the time that I got here. It was really important for me to see a girl who really valued writing, and who didn’t have a band behind her. Also, in high school, Florence + the Machine was the first female singer that I identified with, and I want to create something like her.

 If you could collaborate with any artist who would it be?

Probably Phoebe Bridgers, because she has already done so many great collaborations. I like that she is so open to it, and our songwriting styles are similar.

How was your recent performance at KVRX fest?

It was a very special festival, and I was so honored to be a part of it. Over 87% of the bands who played were made up of POC (people of color) or womxn members, which made it one of the diverse festivals in the country. Those stats were really reflected in the crowd too. Everyone at the show was so receptive and kind. That performance will always be one of my favorites!


If you could perform at any festival which would it be?

Definitely ACL. It has such a special place in my heart because it was the first music festival that I ever went to. I was 16, and I had been begging my parents to let me go since I was 14. The first day of ACL is still one of the best days of my life.

Are you involved in any music organizations on campus?

I have been singing with the Longhorn Singers since my freshman year. I am also a DJ at KVRX as well. But Longhorn Singers has been such a great outlet for me, because I don’t always get to make music with other people. Obviously when I’m writing my own songs it’s just me or a band behind me, so it’s really nice to have a place to go where I can sing with other people.

Do you have any advice for women who want to pursue a career in the music industry?

From the internships that I’ve had and from the experience that I’ve had as a woman trying to break into the industry, no one is ever going to invite you themselves. If you really want to be a part of it, insert yourself into situations that are normally male-dominated. Also just go start your own thing, and be confident in what you’re doing.

Interview has been edited minimally for clarity and length.

Listen to Lainey Gonzales on Spotify and find her on Instagram (@laineygonzales) and Twitter (@laineygee).