Playlist: Saucy Soul Ties this Scorpio Season

Time to dive deep into your most meaningful relationships and embrace what lies below.

Written by Heather Stewart

Illustrated by Alyssa Sheldon


Scorpio season is a time of profound introspection, innovation, and intimacy. This water sign loves hard, both platonically and romantically. With a mirage of mystery, Scorpios may seem stand-offish on the surface; but once they let you in, their depth is often irresistible. Naturally, this Scorpio season is here for you to explore and strengthen your closest soul connections. Maybe that means confessing your deepest secret to your bestie … Or maybe that means trying out something new in the bedroom with your lover. Scorpios do rule over the sexual organs, after all.

Cultivate deeper relationships this astrological season with these moody, intimate tracks: