The Style of Sound: Bob Dylan Put Me In My Blue Jeans
Some cool, folksy blue jean blues for a refined soul with a refined wardrobe.
From the stage to the runway, The Style of Sound is a series that explores the intricate relationships forged between your favorite artists and their iconic fashion statements.
Written By Redding Mickler
Photo courtesy of Elliot Landy
You might’ve come to this series for an analysis of style and music, and clicked on this playlist thinking you might gain some useful knowledge to impress people at a party ... I will have to tell you right off the bat — here in the folksy and carefree (yet classy all the same) realm of music and style, I can’t give you much intelligent information. Rather you’ll find that Bob Dylan, a white top, a pair of blue jeans, and messy hair is what’s going to enlighten your soul, thrusting you into a new way of “being.” Let’s call it: “A guide to being casually unforgettable.”
The key is a pair of jeans. Not skinny, though, let's be clear about that. These need to sit on your hips right under your belly button, not too low, nor too high. Length, above the ankle or right below. And these jeans need to be dark blue — a dark blue that’s meant to be faded and dirtied over time — and it's up to your luck to forge that relationship with them. To top that off, we look to fashion’s version of fresh whipped cream: a white t-shirt.
Photo courtesy of Paul Adao
It’s a vibe that can be easily translated throughout the years; a look sported by chic French ladies, Princess Di, American icons such as Carolyn Basette or Selena Quintinilla, and even mellow ‘70s rock stars like Don Henley of The Eagles. Versatility is at the heart of the collision between music and this particular style; it doesn’t matter who’s wearing it. Whether you’re taking a stroll in the park on a crisp blue day, or taking the stage as you rock the night away — this playlist is the accessory.
And so I present, the Magic Music Recipe for a playlist that will transport you into a vintage film camera fever dream, with just a hint of realness:
We begin with Bob Dylan, because there’s no denying that he embodies this style better than anyone does. Then, we’ll add a splash of French to chill and chic the folksy drawl. And at the base of it all, the ever so classy Nina Simone — she’s the rich, buttery flour that makes this recipe so great. Finally, we top it off with some notable mentions from soulful artists like Charley Crockett, Dooley Wilson, and Etta James. Just a lil’ somethin’ to pull out while you pop into your own blue jeans.