Concert Recap: Pierce The Veil, The Used, Don Broco, and DeathbyRomy at HEB Center
On May 23, Pierce The Veil and The Used kicked off their co-headliner Creative Control Tour with openers Don Broco and DeathbyRomy at HEB Center in Cedar Park.
Photos by Lauren Stephens

DeathbyRomy opened up the first night of the tour with a passionate set.

DeathbyRomy opened up the first night of the tour with a passionate set.

DeathbyRomy opened up the first night of the tour with a passionate set.

DeathbyRomy opened up the first night of the tour with a passionate set.

DeathbyRomy opened up the first night of the tour with a passionate set.

DeathbyRomy opened up the first night of the tour with a passionate set.

Bedford-based rock band Don Broco hit the stage second.

An excited fan cheers in support of Don Broco.

Bedford-based rock band Don Broco hit the stage second.

Pierce the Veil bassist Jaime Preciado smiles out at the crowd as the band takes the stage.

The crowd screams as Pierce the Veil begins their set with “Death of an Executioner.”

Pierce the Veil frontman Vic Fuentes rocks out on stage.

Pierce the Veil bassist Jaime Preciado smiles out at the crowd as the band takes the stage.

Vic Fuentes holds his guitar out in front of the crowd as a photographer snaps a picture.

Lead guitarist Tony Perry jams out during “Bulls in the Bronx.”

Vic Fuentes leads the band in playing “Pass the Nirvana.”

Vic Fuentes leads the band in playing “Pass the Nirvana.”

The band gives it all in playing the banger single off their latest album, The Jaws of Life.

The Used takes the stage for the fourth and final set of the night with “Maybe Memories.”

The Used guitarist Joey Bradford jams out on stage to “Maybe Memories.”

The Used frontman Bert McCracken owns the stage with his cornelia-covered mic stand.

The Used bassist Jeph Howard appears amidst the green haze.

The crowd goes crazy for The Used.

The Used frontman Bert McCracken owns the stage with his cornelia-covered mic stand.